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Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry welcomes women of all ages to connect, support, and grow together. Join us for weekly Bible studies Thursday mornings and evenings, and Sunday morning class at 9 AM. There are special events throughout the year, as well.  We would love for you to explore and find your niche at WBC with us!

Women's Ministry exists to welcome women to worship God in Christ personally and with other women, to equip women to become mature disciples of Christ, and to carry Christ's love to their sphere of influence and everywhere they go.  "Speaking the truth in love grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is Christ... Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 4:15, II Peter 3:18)

For more information, please contact our director, Sonja Headrick at [email protected] or 972-937-9590 option 5.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, Mar 13 Ladies' Bible Study 9:30AM
Thursday, Mar 13 Ladies' Bible Study 7:00PM
Thursday, Mar 27 Ladies' Bible Study 9:30AM
Thursday, Mar 27 Ladies' Bible Study 7:00PM