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Kids Ministry

WBC Kids

The Waxahachie Bible Church Children’s Ministry serves nursery through fifth grade children. 

Sunday School Times 9:30 AM & 10:45 AM

We exist to provide the building blocks to equip and partner with families so that they will:

Worship – Develop a personal relationship with God. This is made possible when we inspire wonder about our Creator as we teach the Gospel, create a fun and secure environment filled with God’s love, and show kids they can trust God, no matter what.

Become mature disciples to make wise choices. This is made possible when we teach the Bible in a fun, creative, and meaningful way. We help kids form a Biblical worldview and help them discover their identity in Christ.

Carry – We train up families to proclaim the Gospel to the world. This is made possible when we model a passionate and authentic love for God, build relationships with children and their families, and demonstrate servant hearts from the inside-out. 



Come be with us each Sunday night at AWANA Club Meetings at Waxahachie Bible Church! Times are from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.

At each meeting we will play AWANA games, learn and say Bible verses from memory during handbook time, and come together as a group for special presentations at large group time.  For Bible verses that you correctly recite to your leader from memory you earn shares and awards. You accumulate shares and then get to spend them to buy items in the AWANA store that we will have four times this year. You get awards throughout the year for those verses and if you complete all of the required verses and activities in your AWANA handbook, you will receive a special award at the end of year Awards Night Ceremony.

We have theme nights such as Blue Jello Eating Contest, Crazy Socks/Shoes, Dress as Your favorite Bible Character, Flashlight Night, S'mores, Pro Sports Team, and more!

In the Spring, you will build your own car using an AWANA Grand Prix car kit. Then on one big day, all clubbers come together for the big race! Trophies are awarded for the fastest cars and for the best designed cars!

For more information contact Jessica Strange at 972-937-9590 or email her at .


Register HERE!


Son Seekers

Calling all children from Kindergarten through 5th Grade! Join us every Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for a missions-focused ministry with games, events, and lots of fun!